Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the lead House prosecutor, accused President Trump of a “corrupt scheme” to pressure Ukraine for help “to cheat” in the election.

He was masterful. If you listened, you now know Trump is guilty beyond any tiny doubt.
I don’t really care for Schiff, but he has done very well this week.
Y'all understand that none of this matters. The acquittal has already been printed. There is nothing, NOTHING, that could come out that will change the verdict. We need to start looking at what a completely unrestrained Trump Presidency will look …See More
Schiff is absolutely right. What's the big deal. Truth is truth.
Republicans kept saying they wanted to call Schiff as a witness for the Senate trial... LMFAO. He has been isolating and destroying every single ludicrous defense being thrown around by Individual number 1's team. The House managers are focused and pre…See More
Trump should have moved to Russia years ago or the Ukraine.
That's just bull-schiff and schiff knows it
Schiff has been phenomenal in laying out the case against that treasonous mook in the WH.
I thought that was understood ... by both sides. 🙂
Before everyone starts screaming that he’s still going to get off - please listen to what Schiff is important message for future presidents as well. Keep it up!
Now get us those witnesses and documents! Thanks
Rep. Adam Schiff will go down as one of the coolest politicians in DC. He's a very tough guy. No one is above the law. Keep up the good work, Adam. The American people are so proud of you!
And offered hearsay as evidence.
We all know he cheated!
Why is this a headline? Did you not report what happened in the hearings?
Same old, same old. The same stuff we heard for 12 weeks. And all they could come up with was to articles of impeachment, none of which violated a federal law or federal statute. Whether you like the president or not, he did not violate any federal law. We should be working on the business of this country because in the end Trump will still be president.
Still grasping at straws. This dude keep grabbing the short one.
I agree with the "prosecutor" (they're called managers in impeachment hearings)
When you listen to the Democrats make their case it becomes abundantly clear, really quickly, that there’s NO EVIDENCE. They tell fascinating stories but they’re nothing more than opinion, conjecture and here-say. There is no actual evidence. Listen …See More
Throughout the hearing process in the House, Schiff’s honesty was doubtful to any unbiased observer — from his literally unbelievable claim that he doesn’t know the identity of the whistleblower to his clearly disingenuous statements about the contact …See More
It is still timefor the people to take to the streets in support of the impeachment agains Trump. Populardemonstrations will convincer even republicans senators
isnt he blaming trump for what the democrats did in 2016, seems all these things dems accuse trump of, seems politic has found schiff is lying again, how many lies does he have to be caught at before nyt calls him out
Trump should be taken off the Ballot when someone cheats they are removed from the game or sport or even election. And this President has Evidence and he is holding it and not letting it go.
Nadler should've accepted the deal for Biden, and Bolton's testimony, and told Biden to just disregard the subpoena.
Mulvaney confirmed this publicly. He famously admonished, “deal with it!”
Oh no - Republican snowflakes will be clutching their pearls - get them a fainting couch! 😂😂😂😜
Keep-up the pressure on Donald (Amateur Apprentice) Trump‼️🆘‼️🆘‼️🆘
Great work, Rep Schiff! Proud constituent right here 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Schiff has been nothing short of brilliant.
Adam Schiff really has the COJONES! I respect that!!!👍👊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Keep pushing!
#TruthHurts #Corruptlicans
Party of drumph will choose party over country, I just know it!🤷🏽‍♂️
DJ trump, Liar and cheat.
Trump said from Davos that he has all the documents and the Dems have none!! He just confessed to Article II of his impeachment on live TV! My question is this the America we want? A lawless President along with a complicit Senate that is shredding th…See More
His opening dialog was outstanding.
Representative Shiff deserves a prize. the California Congressman is a brilliant Jurist.
The USA will no longer be able to promote democracy to the rest of the world. They have lost all standing as a free country with 3 co-equal branches of government. THE GOP has effectively removed the systems of democratic checks and balances the frame…See More
Remove trump and move the country fwd
He’s so impressive.
Thank you Adam Schiff for protecting our constitution.
> Impeached, Mendacious, Implausible, and Nonsensical 45th <
They running out of time.. the Turtle is winning less than 18 hours to go... 🖕🖕🖕🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The impeachment trial renders the Iowa caucus suspect as a predictor of how the race will go.
Bernie/Warren is the only option. Buttigieg is in the pockets of big business and everyone knows it.
Attention, we need some action:
Forget the candidates for now. Game changer in play!
Time to turn your efforts toward the Impeachment.…See More
I read that he still owes DC 7 mil for his inaugration and several cities for his campaigning..they say he never pays his bills but yet he rakes it in with the emolulents clause
Easy like Rudy a guy that used to be in the spot light wasn't and saw an opportunity to get back in.
Because Epstein didn’t kill himself
I get that there are starving HUMANS in the world, but this park put these beautiful creatures in cages and left them to starve. THEY HAVE NO CHANCE.
The more people I meet the more I hug my dog. Unconditional love something humans have to learn
Good grief, he’s the leader of the free world and he can’t think of a better use of his time than to be on Twitter for hours??? We are doomed.
Well it’s not like he has to spend time running a country or anything...


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