
Showing posts from January, 2020

A good Samaritan found $27,000 outside a credit union and turned it in. Imagine you found thousands of dollars on the ground. Would you keep any of the money?

Outside a credit union or bank? Probably turn it in as painful as it would be. Anywhere else? Keeping it. (Let’s face it, if you find that much cash randomly it was probably for a drug drop) If I found 25000 I'm sure I would return it. It would be a shame if that 20000 didnt make it back to its owner. I think the honorable thingnwould be to return the 10000. Thank goodness this young man found it and returned. I too would return the 5000 You never know until you are faced with the decision of what you value more a clear conscience or money. $27,000 outside of a Bank? Nope I’m keeping that Banks been robbing us for decades Good deeds are habits as well as a usual way of life for someone who is pure in heart and deeds like this may attract applause or adulation from men but from God, it attracts lots of immeasurable blessings. Right outside the bank... I would turn it in. Now the people that found it in a safe they bought from the thirft store.... Ummm now that's minessss.....

Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the lead House prosecutor, accused President Trump of a “corrupt scheme” to pressure Ukraine for help “to cheat” in the election.

He was masterful. If you listened, you now know Trump is guilty beyond any tiny doubt. I don’t really care for Schiff, but he has done very well this week. Y'all understand that none of this matters. The acquittal has already been printed. There is nothing, NOTHING, that could come out that will change the verdict. We need to start looking at what a completely unrestrained Trump Presidency will look …See More Schiff is absolutely right. What's the big deal. Truth is truth. Republicans kept saying they wanted to call Schiff as a witness for the Senate trial... LMFAO. He has been isolating and destroying every single ludicrous defense being thrown around by Individual number 1's team. The House managers are focused and pre…See More Trump should have moved to Russia years ago or the Ukraine. That's just bull-schiff and schiff knows it Schiff has been phenomenal in laying out the case against that treasonous mook in the WH. I thought that was understood ... by both ...

President Trump dismissed the concussion symptoms that American troops reported earlier this month following Iranian airstrikes in Iraq as "not very serious."

Read article a couple of years ago about how a powerful bomb blast kind of rearranges the basic structure of the brain. Forever. No aspirin going to fix those head injuries. As long as he doesn't look responsible, he doesn't care what happened to them. This man has moved his lips to mouth innumerable deplorable comments and this was by far the worst, empty-headed and barren-hearted thought he has ever uttered.......How anyone who is serving or has ever served in the armed forces can support him is beyond any smidgeon of my understanding. Disgraceful comments from a POTUS. He has no heart and no soul. Feeling some vibes from the universe though... karma might just show him exactly what a concussion involves. Are veterans and the military still supporting this awful person? I’m sure he knows this because he’s surrounded himself with the best medical professionals... Next up, he’ll tell the hungry people of America to eat cake. Dear Mr Trump I wish you could have been at th...

Why Chief Justice Roberts would say it in the impeachment trial and Here's what 'pettifogging' means

Before the nation moves on from the tense exchanges over rules for the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, there is a question still to be answered: What in the world does pettifogging mean?

will defend Trump at impeachment trial Alan Dershowitz, marred by ties to Jeffrey Epstein

It might seem unlikely introspection for an outspoken lawyer whose high-profile career has been marred by his association with a now-dead pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, and who has now become a member of President Trump’s impeachment legal defense team. After months of fiercely defending the president on Fox News, Dershowitz said he will argue constitutional issues on the Senate floor. Dershowitz said his goal is to “defend the integrity of the Constitution and to prevent the creation of a dangerous constitutional precedent” by removing the president from office.